
Pavel Hajko
naive painter

Pavel Hajko

Art Criticism

The central motive of the artistic universe of Pavel Hajko is a rooster. It is an old and well-known motive with very rich symbolism, present in mythological tradition of all the continents in various semantic variations.

With the development of his own authentic fine art poetry, Pavel Hajko placed himself among a small number of Kovacica’s painters who managed in their artistic opus to over­come the boundaries of pure imitation of the idealized reality and, thanks to their imagination, constructed their own artistic world, unique and unmatched.


Overall artistic work of Pavel Hajko is based on several themes, thus it can be divided into four main categories shown bellow.


Should you have any additional questions, impressions, criticism, or you are interested in purchasing my paintings feel free to contact me through the contact form or by E-mail.

Pavel Hajko
Tatranska 10
26210 Kovačica

Phone numbers

+381 13 661 883
+381 60 0661 883 (SRB)
+421 908 5311 87 (SK)



Social media

Pavel Hajko
Tatranska 10
26210 Kovačica

Phone numbers

+381 13 661 883
+381 60 0661 883 (SRB)
+421 908 5311 87 (SK)



Social media